Monday, August 18, 2014

One Man Coffee / Miam Miam / Tai-parfait

Nomz nomz + Shopping with Wanying & Grace some weeks ago!

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Teabreak @ Miam Miam!

Desserts @ Tai-Parfait!


Just reached home an hour ago from my 12 hours tuition marathon. Tired is probably an understatement as to how I have been feeling for the past two weeks ever since work commence. A typical weekday for me starts at 530am and ends usually after 12 midnight. Definitely going cray cray teaching tuitions every weekday nights and on weekends, from 10am till 7/9pm. Nowadays, getting to eat 3 meals a day and sleeping more than 5 hours are deemed as luxury which I can only redeem during the weekends. 

Anyway, work has been so stressful with the overloading of information and daily tests. Not to mention the upcoming 11 finance papers ugh. Been on medication for the past 2 weeks because of throat inflammation, fever, flu and hives. Not sure what's wrong with my health but I hope to do away from my most hatred pills soon! On another note, results were finally released a couple of days ago. Wasn't please with my results at all but the least I can be happy about is to have attain my second upper hons. Can't wait for convocation next year!

Mega #mondayblues right now. Less than 4.5 hours of sleep left before my Monday starts but there's still so much that I have to do. Sigh, hope everyone had a better week than me! Till the next,


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