Saturday, November 2, 2013

: Daily snippets

#1: Joycelyn's 23rd Birthday @ Soup Restaurant.

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#2: Whipping up our very own korean meal at beckz's house.
Not a 100% success but still nomz enough for us to finish everything.

#3: 2013 vs 2014 planner. Can never live my days unplanned.
#4: Ootd - Current favorite jacket ft. Current favorite clutch

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#5: Balcony Picnic with Michelle and Shiling clad with oversized school-based tees and FBTs.
Because the weather has been rather temperamental and we didn't want to risk getting caught in the rain, plus the fact that three of us are all so lazy... We decided to have picnic at Shiling's balcony. Primary schoolmates reunite heh.

#6: Shameless selfies

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#7: Dinner at Seah Im Food Centre before USS Halloween last saturday.
Swear i look damn bad that day i think i'm even more scary than the ghosts themselves. Was sweating like mad, my hair was a mess, my bag was a burden, crazily tired from all the q-ing, had no makeup and my right eye was a little swollen. On a positive note, we managed to complete the three haunted houses and even had time for a couple of rides.

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#8: Sushi date w the drama girls.
#8: An old photo of me and my sister + a birthday card from the sister which relates a lot. Lost track of the dates and almost missed my sissy's 19th. Had been such a bad sister i know :(

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  1. Replies
    1. HAHA can you dont judge me :( I screamed my lungs out lah what's new :(

  2. hi hi where did you get your hello kitty planner?

  3. Hi. Whr did u get ur clear clutch from?

    1. I got it from my friend's site - :)
