Thursday, November 7, 2013

Bad days

So tired of having to live up to people's crazy expectations of me. And so... I'm expected to initiate all meetups/conversations, to be by my phone 24/7, to be on smiles, be patient, supportive and understanding at all times. I'm sorry to disappoint but i really can't, as much as i try to. I can't always be the one doing everything and i can't always feel just one emotion. People ought to know that i am only human, i have my bad days too. I'm trying, in every means and ways that i can, to give as much as possible but sometimes, it gets tiring on the giving side.

Choosing not to expose things simply because i value our friendship more than those ugly deeds. But please don't mistake my silence for oblivion. Y'know i can never figure why people lie so much, isn't it hard to keep up? And i'd appreciate if you can stop living your life so much like mine. Please just grow a brain of your own. If imitation is the best you can do, then i'm sorry but you'll always be that one step behind. Buying exactly the same kind of things i wear, going to the same places right after i did, eating the same food i ate at the same place, doing the same things i do, using the same apps/effects i used in my photos, followed (and secretly stalking) all my other friends on social media... seriously, please let me know what's going to come next? What i don't say doesn't mean i don't know, i have eyes to see.

Really hate to deal with so much bullshits in my life. Had 5 deadbuyers in 2 days, *(*%^$@. I don't even know why such people exist, really. If i could, i would beat the shit out of these people. Been so angsty and temperamental these days, i blame it on PMS. Whatever it is, i hope i feel better soon.


  1. Aww cheer up rubz!!! Things (and you!!) will get better! <3 <3 <3

    1. Ty peiling :"( Sigh need to meet you girls soon please, you guys are my happy pills!!!
